I’ve never been a big fan of advertising on these pages, but this is something different. If you know Dave Richardson, you’ll know that he is a true Guzzisti. He has written and updated Guzziology for more than a decade.
He was THE dealer in Seattle for a generation, and knows more about these bikes than any ten people I know (except for a few that are awesome and like him, too, small club) So as many of you know, Dave closed his dealership recently, after, as most dealers will tell you, banging his head against the wall trying to get Guzzi to “get” the American rider, and cultivate the market that would BEG for these bikes if they really knew what they were all about.
So here it is. The back story. The “Ball Four” of Motorcycle Dealers. A Two-wheeled “All Creatures Great and Small”. I’ve got my copies coming. Enjoy
“My Life in Bikes” and
“My Life in Bikes – The Rest of the Stories”
Both Available on Amazon. Makes me miss my 72 Eldorado. So. Much.