(This is the second article in the series. The first one is here)
It rained most of the day today. I took some pictures of the bike with the rain beads on it. Previous journalist riders had ridden the bike much harder than me, and had overheated the rear tire. This became more apparent as it tried to lock as I rode it around a bit during a let-up in the weather. Didn’t last long, as I got stuck at my favorite Italian Deli (San Carlo in Chatsworth), sipping doppios and chatting with Giovanni, who owned a Guzzi Cardelino in Rome as a kid.
So, I didn’t get to ride much as this is the first rain of the season; more than 6 months since the last. The roads are slick, and well, I live in California. I don’t have to ride in the rain if I don’t want to. Here’s some pictures of the Breva:

So I stayed inside most of the day, nursing a cough. It’s going to be good weather tomorrow.
I’ve got an ’06 Breva 1100 and you’ve captured the essence of a Moto Guzzi, perfectly. I rode mine cross-country and it was the most comfortable stock saddle I’ve ever been on. I also did a quick three-day trip down to Northern Cali and got to ride from Legett to Fort Bragg, which was fun though challenging.
Be prepared for 50 mpg, gobbling up sweepers with ease, cruise all day at 80 mph. The Breva does not like endlessly tight twisties as hairpin transitions are not its strength. You may find off cambers lefts a fine place to drag a sidestand.
Also beware that while nothing major ever seems to go wrong with a modern Goose, you still will find minor niggles.
Overall, though, the Breva never fails to put a smile on my face and it sounds as if the Sport does a similar job of intoxicating you.
Looking forward to your impressions.