Well, I have the ST2 on Craigslist. The drama in my mind with respect to my “backup bike” continues. I’ve been looking at the usual Guzzi suspects, the 1000s, SP, Brevas — even a V7 Sport or a Lodola. The fact is, how and where I ride has changed dramatically since I moved to Chicago — gone are the 1000 mi weeks, week after week. My commute is only about 15 miles round trip, and even with things closer here, there’s just no way that I’m going to rack up the miles that I had previously, which I don’t know if it is good or bad, it just is what it is.
One of the things that has been tickling me of late is the maxi-scoot. The Eldo is just a great bike. I love riding it, love everything about it. Sheer joy on my face while I’m on it, so I’m imagining what another bike looks like parked next to it, and trying to play forward what the use for the second bike would be as the “new to me” wears off and I get up in the morning and decide what to ride that day.
I love the Piaggio Maxi-Scoots. They’ve made me a better overall rider. They are a serious blast to run around in, and are just as relaxing and utilitarian as anything I have ever been on, and just plain fun.
So I’m still ruminating and want to seek comments and opinions from anyone that cares. Here’s my poll:
[polldaddy poll=”1535344″]
Feel free to chime in with a comment, too! Thanks!