And so it was, upon the demise of my 1200 Sport and State Farm Insurance completely taking care of me, I took a hard look at what and how I would be riding over the next couple of years. The 1200 was a great bike and I fully expected to replace it. I purchased it because I wanted it for the long distance tours I had planned to get to this year and the next few.
I realized that my new job and just-outside-the-city lifestyle really meant that for the next couple of years, 99+ percent of my riding would be within a 150mi radius, with many, many days of riding through the streets of Chicago at 30-ish miles per hour. This is not the venue, mission or best possible circumstances with which to operate a 1200 Sport. This mustang needs road. I need a bike that is a better choice for these distances, light on its feet and able to make me grin while I tackle the third-world roads of Chicago and surrounding cities.
You already figured that I’m getting a Guzzi? Well I looked hard at the Ducati 1000GT, the Triumph Bonneville and even considered a maxi-scoot. I hit the forums and asked more and more about the V7C. The more I heard from the people that actually owned it, the more I started warming up to the idea. Finally, I read a Wall Street Journal Comparison of the Bonneville, Sportster and V7 Classic.

So I now own one purchased from Rose Farm Classics. Buying two bikes in three months, I’ve become their best customer! I think without the accidents I’d still rock them. Jim’s a super guy that is all straight talk and thinks pretty much the same way I do, except he knows more about bikes than I ever will.
If you don’t know too much about the V7 Classic, you haven’t been following Guzzi that much. If that’s the case, I’m glad you’re reading this. The V7 is Guzzi’s best-selling bike at the moment. It’s a city-dweller. 400lbs, 48 hp and a beautiful retro look with just pristine fit and finish. It has a low 31″ seat, and is a standard motorcycle, looking like a throwback from the 70’s, but with fuel injection, modern brakes and tires, and a full warranty.

Here’s the simple facts:
- Fuel Tank: 4.5 Gal, .7Gal res (figure 50+mpg on a very bad day)
- Motor: 90° air/oil cooled transvers v-twin with 2 valves per cylinder.
- Weight: 401lbs (about 100 lbs more than the typical MSF training bike!)
- Horsepower: 48
- Seat Height: 31.7 in.
- Price: $8490
I’ve already written that I thought it was a great bike for women, but why should they get all the fun? Frankly, I practically need a muscle-relaxer to get the smile off my face after riding this bike. I haven’t had this much plain, honest fun on a bike since I was a kid. Even before I depart on my commute to work, I feel like an 11-year old kid getting on his bike knowing that he was going to ride it to his friend’s house and have the best summer day of his life. Mounting up for a trip from Chicago to Milwaukee and back or from Oak Park to Lake Geneva and back, forgettaboutit! In the week that I’ve owned this bike, I’ve already DONE all of this! 500 miles in a week, and tomorrow I’ll rack up another 200. I don’t want to get off the bike, park it, leave it while I sleep.
It goes through corners in a way that is much better than you’d expect from a rudimentary-suspended bike. The frame, geometry and suspension work together in harmony, allowing the torquey 750cc V-Twin to just pull you around effortlessly. You feel like the first day you got on a bike and knew that you had enough experience to have fun and not get hurt. Riding it around the city, you just want to move this bike with your body around turns and corners. It does what you want, when you want it.
A lot of reviewers have poo-pooed the single-disc front brake. Riding in the City, I’ve had the chance to use them hard a few times. They pull the bike down just fine, in a linear manner, within extremely acceptable distances. An extra disk would be there for looks only. I wouldn’t call that overkill, but the braking matches the character of the bike, and it’s mission:
Have fun and ride.
Streets are one thing, and the Moto Guzzi V7 Classic is a great city bike. What about out of town? I’ve had the chance to do the country lane roads, the Interstates and also secondary highways. Trucks don’t blow me around at all. No wind blast to speak of, I’m abandoning the idea of getting a windscreen (I ride with a full-face helmet). I can easily attain highway speeeds and if I wanted to, cruise at a level that would get me more than a speeding ticket.
I’ve already ridden it in the rain, on crappy roads, ruts, grooves, construction zones and some dirt. No problem. This bike is well-behaved, competent and comfortable. On city-highway cycles, I’m getting almost exactly 50mpg during break-in.
I’m going to add two accessories. Guzzi-Tech’s Small-Block Sump Spacer, which adds an extra Litre-plus of lubricant in the engine. I like this for cooler running and to make sure that there’s plenty of oil in the sump. $300 bucks shipped is a bargain, and the part is super-well made. I’m also adding a set of Hepco-Becker 30L Junior bags on the mounts that are made for the V7 Classic.
Guzzi has been building the small-blocks for decades, and the formula has become more and more refined. As I pull the V7 into my back yard in the evenings, I look at all the pretty chrome, the slightly blued exhaust pipes and the pearlescent white paint.
I’d grin, but I’m already grinning, and I’ve got no extra grin left. Great bike. It fits me well and makes me damned happy.

Second week!
Nice review, and I feel ya. Just bought the V7 and can’t stop thinking about it. What a wonderful bike.
Great review, Danilo. No surprise for me, of course. These 750 Guzzi engines are an absolute blast. Best kept secret — for us Breva 750 owners — till now that you guys came along with these white beauties. Most under-rated bikes in a long while. Congratulations.
Very good review, Danilo, I own a V7 Classic since Jan. 09 and am super pleased. Used to own a California in the 70-80’s.
Finally a Guzzi again, now with fuel injection. This bike is fantastic and rides great. I am very pleased. I use it mainly around town and to commute to the Golf Course (20 km).
Also made some day trips and enjoyed every minute on the bike. The 750 is powerful enough and I like the torque, acceleration and the overall handling of the bike.
I do understand your grin…….
I too have a V7 C and have had since beginning of January and so far have clocked 6,500 km.
The only problems I have had was the efi warning light coming on after startup but appears may of been caused by side stand and bike in gear when ign turned on as took it to importer and made happen in car park and would appear takes a while to clear out of memory [no turning key off and back on again] as computer diagnostics showed needs at least 10secs but hasnt happened since with carefull start up and was not effecting bike.[my bike is post factory fix as this problem can be caused by timing sensor wire being too close to coil].
I also had two front blinkers replaced as both had hair line cracks where mount from vibrating as may not of been done up tight enough but is a design flaw I think and would be better on rubber mounts but while they are free had them replaced.
I noticed that plastic chrome eagle on instruements has fallen off and dealer didnt think were a part but I have complete parts catalogue and is listed under decals but as I have a Bikini fairing on bike not to concerned as is hidden.
This was acquired off a bloke with a 750 breva who had larger screen fitted and this one is tinted and suits bike.
I also have reverse megaphones on fitted by Stain tune which give a truly authentic note [see my bike on Youtube as V7C staintunes] .I would like to get some hepco Becker racks etc but so expensive here in Australia and Arriving for 6 week holiday in USA starting 3rd october starting in L.A so let me know where a good dealership is as much cheaper in the States.
Corsa Italiana can send but want nearly as much to send from Uk as what rack is [not hepco & becker though]
Yes is a great bike and plan on putting lower front bars as what got me hooked was news article for Sydney bike show off cafe racer which of course did not exist when I travelled 3hrs to look at but totally happy with it.
One person commented on what a good job I did on restoring it ! as I belong in local Vintage bike club and doesnt look out of place with older bikes of the 70,s era
Glad you also enjoy your bike, Ian Theobald Nowra Australia
A new ECU program has been released by the factory that takes care of the efi warning light issue. It’s “voltage threshold” was just a “little” too low and caused problems on some bikes (mine hasn’t done it, but now I have the upgrade). I swear that they “snuck” a fuel mapping in there, but nobody at the factory’s tellin’
For Ian,
Did you have to re-tune the V7 once you replaced the stock exhausts with the Staintunes? I’ve been told that the TPS needs to be tweaked to make ‘er a little richer. The V7 seems to have non-adjustable “round mounting holes” as opposed to most other Guzzis that have oval holes for a variety of adjustments. I’ve also been told by people who seem to know that these holes can be dremeled out. What has been your experience?
Have you had any other issues?
I’ve decided to keep the engine stock. I’ve heard gains of 3hp on the staintunes, but frankly I don’t see the need until there’s more information about them out there (based on the fact that you have questions and there’s rumors, etc.) My rule is this. if you can’t remove whatever you bolt on and it will run just like it did before, don’t do it.. This is based on experiences in racing, restoring automobiles over 20 years, bikes, computers and just about anything else you can “hot rod”. Remember, you’re dealing with a computer with a mapping — these maps have and will continue to change over time as the factory puts new programs out. If you’ve made changes that “work” with a particular mapping, in the future you could be “in a tough spot” if the factory publishes “the killer” mapping in the future — and the newest mapping available is quite different and a serious improvement.
Will I mod the bike in the future? Probably but in tight consultation with my dealer (Rose Farm), once there are enough options and smart solutions available.
Great review! I just got a 2010 v7 mainly because of this article. I am really happy with the bike. It has exceeded all of my expectations to date.
After having owned a total of 8 bikes prior to this one, I am the most impressed with the Moto Guzzi. For example, the balance of the bike is perfect. I am able to come to a stop and not put my feet down for a good 5 to 7 seconds. I could never do that with any of my other motorcycles.
I would say that this bike is nimble, precise, fun, etc…
A keeper for sure.
Oh yeah, I’ve got to get a plug in for the guys at Brookside Motors in Tulsa, OK. Great people to work with, they treat you like family!
I’m currently on a 850T3 – a Speed Triple before that – and am trying to talk the Significant Other that it’s time to get an actual, honest-to-goodness new bike. She tends to looks askance at me for riding “weird” bikes (she’s more of a Suzuki girl), but this one’s too pretty to pass up! Add to that a new Goose dealership opening less than 30 km away, the insurance on a V7 is cheaper than my current ride, and it’s small enough for her to ride (the clincher) and I think I’ve got her convinced.
The only down side? I get the distinct impression I won’t have the only one in town!
Hi,just got back from 7 weeks in USA.
My bike was the very first to have staintunes fitted[for free ] and have always believed idled to high but within factory specs [1200revs] on looking at where cable attaches throttle body there is a allen key set screw which I undid about half a turn with the bonus od reducing idle to just on 1000 revs and the bonus of almost eliminating any crackle and pop exhaust once had down steep hills.
can always return back half a turn if needed but bike seems ok now!
My local bike shop said should not of really touched as had yellow paint on it and may of made bit richer but he will check at 7,500 km service which will be soon.
I had to purchase oil filter for him but at least he does have computer with my model listed though not an axeone but dealers are 3 hrs away. He said some Harleys are the same when pipes changed. He is familiar with Guzzis and Ducattis and is an independent fellow but did his training on old Truimphs.
Contacted importers in Sydney re update to efi and advised was only for amberlight issue which my bike once had but seems not to have reappeared if started up carefully.[see my earlier post] so may call in to have checked.
Really am enjoying the bike and new tinted fairing finnishs off. Regards Ian Theobald Nowra Australia
Hi Danilo,
I’ve just come across your site having been in London yesterday loking at a Ducati GT1000 and the GuzziV7 in a showroom.
I’m hoping to arrange test rides soon, but I’m wondering if you had a chance to ride the Duc and, if so, have any comments on how the two compare on the road? There’s certainly an obvious difference in power output…….
all the best,
Frankly, I don’t care so much about power. I like “usable” power. The grunt on the V7 fits me well. I’ve ridden the 1000 GT a short distance, but had a Ducati ST2 that I was riding 3K per month on when I lived in Southern California. The Duc is nice, but more maintenance-intensive. The V7, once it’s set up from delivery, is a “kick the tires and light the fires” kind of a bike. Start it and ride. I found the chain maintenance on the Duc alone a big negative for me. Once you have that driveshaft, you really notice the ones that don’t. Styling? Pick em. The V7 is definitely more vintage. The Duc is somewhat vintage looking, but all the bits are definitely, completely modern.
The biggest turn-off for me on the Duc is the space between the tire and rear fender. They have a kit to ameliorate this, but it’s extra cost, like everything else you might want, and that extra cost is pretty “exciting” sometimes. The V7 is now available with the “cafe” seat, a mere $160 in the US. Freekin’ bargain for any seat. The Duc has “better” sporting stuff, tons of accessories and “looks” better on paper. Under my butt, I know that I made the right decision on the V7. It just runs and runs and doesn’t miss a beat. I also am NOT a big fan of water cooled engines, again because I don’t have a water-cooled engine anymore, and it’s just more stuff to maintain. I like a bike that I can just get on and go, day after day, year after year. Guzzi doesn’t let me down in this regard.
I’ve done 500+ mile days on the V7, and admire it’s bullet-proof nature. People that I know running them say the same thing — “I may get rid of some of the bikes in my garage, but the V7 will be the one that leaves last”.
gas mileage?
What kind of mileage do you get with the V7’s? I really LIKE the looks of this bike. I liked the Breva 750, but it was just too cramped for my 35″ inseam..however the long flat seat on the V7 looks promising.
I am gonna have to pay Moto-International in Seattle a visit and check this out…I just found out about the V7 yesterday…you could say I’m a bit behind the times!
Upper 40’s on the mileage, a little less when I’m toolin’ around in the city. I know people are getting 50+ out of it, but when I get out on the highway I tend to cruise in the upper 70’s (maybe more???) so it drops. I figure 55-60 would return 50-ish.
The long seat is nice on trips ’cause you can adjust up and back on the seat. Another goodie available is the “cafe” seat from the V7 Cafe. It’s a super-bargain at less than 160 bux and is a direct bolt in with no changes…
You ARE behind the times. Take a good long ride on it, and you’ll end up riding it home. It makes me feel like I did when I first started riding.
Would like to know more about how to obtain the cafe seat as was the bike I originally wanted but have just purchased a rear gear rack off Hepco and Becker so may not suit now but my pipes are upswept like cafe model so If you can advise who sells them would be great.
I have a tinted half fairing off 750 Breva that suits well so may fit slightly flatter bars to match as well.
At a recent club run someone looked at my bike and commented on what a good job I had done on restoring it !
Ian Theobald Nowra Australia
Cafe seat is available right through your dealer! Got mine in about 2 weeks (maybe less?). Cost me $160 US.
Hi Danilo
I have had my V7 since Jan 2009 and can’t fault it – I have done 5k miles including 2500 through France and Spain.
I also find the seat pretty comfortable even after a full day’s riding. Some days on Country road riding I got 65 mpg and on the autoroute cruising at about 70 I got 50+. I usually refill after 160-170. I took spare oil and had to top up a bit – probably used about half a litre over the whole trip. I have heard horror stories about 750s using oil so I was thinking about one of these sump spacers. I’d really appreciate hearing about your experience with it – installation, use etc.
Thanks, Tom
Great to hear you guys are enjoying your v7s – just been smiling at mine after one of my few winter rides.
Has anyone tried a larger [touring] screen? I have a small guzzi one and during a recent trip from northern England to the Greek Islands it really wasn’t adequate [on motorways].
Reading this it might be time to trade in my Ducati 900 SuperSports….
Will ride a V7 for sure in spring, there is a demo at the ducati/guzzi dealer in Amsterdam i suppose 😉
Awesome review. Im 6 foot 3 and am looking at either the t100 bonnie or the v7 guzzi. I know the bonnie is going to be a bit small for me, and forget about pillion around town, i think it might be a bit underpowered for that. Do you reckon id fit on the guzzi? could it handle my height, or the occasional tall pillion? Id appreciate the feedback. Thanks in advance!
I’m 6’1 and 240+ (lately it’s been emphasis on the “+”…
I fit the bike happy. I also have a 32-inch inseam. Big size-12 feet. I don’t know how you’d fit with 4 inches more inseam. I’d definitely recommend the stock banana saddle though, over the cafe seat. The cafe seat will put you in one place on the bike, and if you’re cramped it might be tight.
On the other hand, I’ve known a few people that have added an inch of padding under the seats to make for a better fit on CalVins, so that might be possible. When you go to the dealer to try one on, bring a book with you!
The Guzzis torque makes up for the actual horsepower rating — numbers are for parking lots. Guzzis have more power than they advertise. The Guzzi will have better reliability. If it does fit you, it will probably be the last bike you ever sell.
There is nothing more I can add to what has been said, I have had my V7 for 18 months, and only had one ‘glitch’ with it.
As I am 5’3″ tall, (do your own metrics), I had to really stretch my legs to put either set of toes on the tar.
I had the original seat re-designed, the riders portion lowered and the pillion portion stepped and dished, and the ‘seam’ that went around the top removed, the original Moto Guzzi writing in white re-applied to the back of the new seat covering, I am completely happy with the end result.
This is the motorcycle I should’ve got instead of my 2001 Triumph Bonneville, it was a nice bike, but a flawed bike.
Oil flooding engine, chrome flaking off, rusting spokes, poor paint finish on seams and filler cap receptacle, two broken rear spokes, one which punctured the rear tyre with wife on back, (never had a broken spoke in 39 years of riding).
The bike was always maintained and fully garaged, never left in the weather.
The poorest bit of the two year saga was the evasion, dismissal and downright fobbing-off by all concerned, factory, importer and dealer.
I GAVE the bike away, yes, free, I could’nt bear the sight of it, and my wife was sick of sitting by the side of the road waiting for the break-down vehicle to arrive.
Now, for my, the V7 is everything, and more than the Bonnie never was, and never will be.
In every aspect, she’s a beauty!.
One more thing. I had a centre stand fitted on the V7, I have to say, the balance is PERFECT, I only have to use two fingers on the seat grab-rail, PRESS down on the centre stand foot ‘tab’?, and lightly lift, and it glides onto the stand.
I strongly recomment a centre stand, and it looks good too!.
Stu Garfath.
Sydney, Australia.
Firstly, thanks for a witty and informative blog. I should also state that I am a relative newcomer to motorcycling at the age of 48. Probably a familiar story, but I took the MSF course two and a half years ago and have been piling up the miles (23,000 or so) on my (then new) Royal Enfield Bullet ever since. While I dearly love this little bike (your first love…) for what it has given me, it can also be a bit frustrating at times, particularly in the power and speed department. Sure it’s fine for regular around town riding (I live in NYC), but the highway is another matter. 60 MPH in 5th is the sweet spot. A little more, O.K., but not for long. Also, being an apartment dweller, all of my maintenance is carried out on the sidewalk where I park it.
Why am I telling you all this? Because I think I’m coming to that crossroads with my beloved Bullet. Never imagined that I’d outgrow it, but I guess I have and the v7 classic looks to be a logical next step. As a still new rider, I recognize that moving up to an even modestly more powerful bike will be like learning to ride all over again. I love the fact that the weight and overall dimensions of the two bikes are comparable, just that the one has a lot more zip. And DAMN, is it good looking. Plus, if I never have to do another plug chop, replace a set of points, or lube and adjust a chain, I won’t be heartbroken.
Anyway, for a few months now, several fine bikes (Triumph Scrambler, BMWF650, the V7, among others) have been floating to the top of my short list. I think I made up my mind. Thanks.
You’ll find that the V7 is a much easier bike to ride and you won’t have to learn all over again. You’ll just be building on what you’ve learned. Have a blast. Mine got almost 1000 miles under it this week!
Where did Stu get his centre stand as enquired about one through Hepco Becker rep in Qld Aust and andvised not to fit Breva 750 type as they have smaller front wheel so if fitted would find that front wheel would not lift off ground without turming.
Have had bike now 18mths and only complaint is have had 2 front indicator stalks crack and discovered a 3rd now developed a crack where attaches at dome nut. The importer had none in stock and contacted Dealer who reckons have replaced a few and new models have rubber spacer but when visited had no new bike on display so will have to pursure.Also plastic chrome eagle has fallen off on instruement pannel but tinted screen hides it anyway and just discovered headlight has developed crack between rim and mounting but may off caused that by overtightening fairing. Another small gripe is the small mirrors.
When out of warranty would modify myself the matter of indicator stalks with hollow threaded bar.
My instruements fogged up after heavy rain but since fairing fitted no problems,even after a 2 hr ride on an expressway in heavy rain.
Best feature about my bike is that it stays clean and haved only washed 4 or 5 times and recomend dry silicone spray over motor and hubs.
As for New Triumphs,several club members own and ALL have developed corrosion/ crows feet under laquer especially on front hubs and engine casings .Say no more..
My bike is the one featured on Youtube with Staintunes fitted free as factory borrowed bike for publicity and manufacture of pipes and have plenty of response.
I fitted a tinted genuine 2nd hand screen off a Breva 750 and would like to fit bars like cafe racer if can find out exactly what type.
I throughly enjoy the bike but what a shame a bit more thought had gone into matters mentioned and dealership has few if any accesories but I live 3 hrs away so easier to source over the internet. When had 8000klm service had oil filter shipped from Motoguzzi supplier in Melbourne in 2 days for local bike shop .Lastly before signing off I fitted a new Bridgestone tyre as much cheaper,looks identical,club members reckon much better klm,s off them [my rear lasted 8000klm and front is just legal at 12000klm ] and handling has not altered that I can notice. Enjoy your V7,s
Ian Theobald
Hi. Just found this site & blog and you guys really sum up how I feel about my newly acquired V7 Classic. I have been into Guzzi’s for years and own a modified MkV Le Mans and a 30 year old V50 MkII. My wife and I live in England and she has been riding older Jap 4’s (GPz 900 & GSXR 750 slingshot slabsider) for years. We have been planning a round the world trip for a couple of years now, and luckily after several test rides (Gs800 and Gs1200 BMW, Triumph Scrambler, etc) my wife test rode the V7 Classic and I haven’t been able to get the grin off her face since!
The end result is that we have just bought 2 V7 classics for the trip and we absolutely love them. We have now done nearly 900 miles on them and they are running in nicely. Running in miles per Uk gallon are 65 to 70 which is very impressive.
My bike sprung an oil leak!! but luckily it was only a loose clip on the oil return pipe behind the starter motor and so was easily fixed. Both of us have had the engine management lights come on intermittently which the dealer (Speedaway motorcycles in Blackheath, Uk) said was low battery voltage. However we have traced this to slightly loose battery terminals after the dealer fitted trickle charger cables to the bikes. Since then there have been no problems.
Ian…Moto Guzzi now make a main stand for the V7 Classic, it is different to the Brevia one. We have bought and fitted them to our bikes with no problems. Because of our trip we have welded extra plates onto them in order to stop the cross member and feet from snagging on anything when we on ‘interesting’ roads.
We are currently in the process of modifying the bikes and are fitting crash bars, rack, pannier frames and Stahlkoffer hard luggage, screens, hand protectors from a KTM (they go straight on), heated grips, reshaped seats using the original bases, a larger foot on the side stand (just a bit of plate shaped and welded on) to stop it sinking in sand and today I fitted fork gaiters. I am also looking at re lacing the front wheel to a 19 inch rim with the same width as there is a much larger range of on / off road tyres available in that size (the rear is fine).
I think that I had better look at the indicators after what I have just read.
Anyway enough of my ramblings.
We will continue to enjoy our V7’s as I am sure you all will. Such a light nimble FUN bike 🙂
Cheers Tony
Great review Danilo and it couldn’t have come at a better time for me. As a 59 year old Alfa Romeo fan, what was I thinking? I was about to place an order today for a Bonneville SE but (fortunately) work commitments prevented me from doing so. Later this afternoon I re-visited my local MG dealer – Rohan Gill at Rick Gill Moto Guzzi/Honda – (just 4kms from home) to cast my eye over the V7 again and ask him what trade in price I could expect for my Suzuki Burgman 400 scoot. As I purchased it from him originally, I was impressed by the buy back offer. What is more impressive is my turn-of-heart from the Bonny to the V7. What swayed me? First, it was the overall great looks, quality build and finish – looks like the guys in in the ‘old’ MG M’ello factory take pride in their work. The spoke wheels are a dead set winner over the Bonny SE’s cast alloys. The shaft drive is a ‘low maintenance’ bonus and the ergonomics and seat cushioning are more comfortable. It is lighter too. I didn’t have time to go for a ride today but you just seem to instinctively know it will handle like a dream. To hell with the 865cc vs 750cc power difference and the all the hype generated by the Trumpy’s marketing machine. Reading your review and the replies from other V7 owners tonight may well have saved me a lot of trouble. I’m now convinced! Tomorrow will be a great day. It is Saturday morning and I’ll be up early to visit Rohan again – this time with cheque book in hand to buy a white V7. Thanks again for the review and I hope you have a great day tomorrow too.
I’ll let you know how the first month feels on my new V7 – It’s winter here now so please be patient).
Best regards, Bob. Wembley Downs, Western Australia.
I just love my V7 I used to have an enfield bullet which i loved but it was too slow so I got a harley sportster 883 instead of the bonneville I was going to buy, I test rode the bonneville It looked good but it has no soul from the engine, I need a v-twin and something that sounds like a motorcycle. My harley has now been sold it was a cool bike but the parts are sooo expensive and I had put too many miles on it, and the V7 I have now is a year old it sounds great on stock exhausts and I dont think its slow, it handles and stops fine and I can cruise at 80 90 mph with a screen fitted or I can potter at 55, its economical it carrys pillions and luggage and its different and beautiful. The sound from the exhaust is just music to my ears and it has soul thats something you dont get from a Honda not thats theres anything wrong with jap bikes I just need something more,My choice of bikes is limited by my height I am 5.4 ft but I think I may have found my perfect motorcycle for me anyway.I shall be fitting a cafe racer fairing in the future. Try it you might just like it
Thanks for adding your comment, Heidi… I’m eyeing the V7… and you already did the Sporty thing, so you saved me that step. Also – the Bonneville… hehehee… you did all the leg work, I think I’m going to go check out the V7 soon… i’m 5’3″…
what flavor did you get? the white or the black?
A good dealer will be able to fourth lower the suspension. RoseFarm did a Breva750 awhile back for a 5 foot 1″ tall 105lb schoolteacher. The v7 is essentially the same bike. A good dealer will always be able to fit a rider to a bike, within reason of course
Great information. I’m taking the MSF course this upcoming month. I’ve got no riding experience and this appears to be a good bike for a beginner. I love the fact that it’s low maintenance…I seek this attribute in just about everything that I own. Pluse it’s a standard with a vintage look…a rare bike indeed. And it has enough hp to ride on the interstate. I was seriously considering the Sukuzi TU250 or the Truimph Bonneville SE. This may prove to be the only bike that’ll ever find worthy of keeping.
Hi folks. Just got V7 cafe last week and am truly, madly, deeply in love. The handling, comfort, smoothness of ride, off kilter exhaust note and overall balance is bloody brilliant.
I am shocked at just how much better it is than my other bikes – 2003 w650, 1982 GB500TT, 1978 SR500. The GB is the only thing that comes close and the only area its better would be the “fit” of the GB Im 6’ft and with GB you feel like a one piece I guess its more of pure sports position but other than that the V7 is better than all of these bikes in everyway – I feel bad dissing my other girls but its the truth!
One minor but important issue I picked up and repeated by Ian above is the blinkers, especically the front ones I noticed they looked a bit poor at the dealer he just shrugged ” it is what it is” nice guy and he couldnt really do anything anyway. But after I rode her home 3hours I noticed just how bad thedesign is with the fixing on the trailing edge and no rubber to dampen – within 3 hours their were stress white fatigue marks showing ! Given the limited amount of new tech in these bikes they are not cheap (you can get alot more tech for similar money) so I would not expect Guzzi not to know how to design indicators but these are simply bad. I then hunted images in on the net and it appears these are not the proper ones as most seem to be chrome units that look more round than the oval black plastic on mine my dealer says he’ll swap FOC. So you all may want to look at yours and flag it up sooner – look at where the fixing flange creates an L shape to the stalk, there’s a strenghtner accross the corner but it actually makes it worse focusing the stress on the weakest point. If you see white on your black plastic its already on the way out.
I do want it to be noisier on the premise if they dont see you they should hear you – anyone had any joy debaffling or other options than stain tune ? There was a step by step posted online for my w650 and it worked a treat.
One last thing if the replacement signals are crap too any one recommend any quality and appropriate style indicators ideally polished alloy?
Other than that, so far, this baby has gone straight to number one!
Happy trails
Vancouver Isle, Comox, BC
In 12,000 miles of riding, I haven’t had a problem with my signals at all. Does Canada require something different?
As far as loud pipes, they will get louder over the first couple thousand miles. I’d leave them alone, personally. Never had a problem with anyone hearing me, and after this last weekend of running my Parilla around the neighborhood with open pipes, I think to maintain good relations I would keep it within limits, especially since cars are so well insulated for the most part that you’d need to be running a Merlin with open pipes to get anyone’s attention anymore.
My GB had an open pea shooters that was a serious antisocial growl I loved it but it was a shag rolling down the road away from the house engine off before starting and coasting back in the same way especially of a late evening. I gave it to a mate from church he was actually the worship leader so felt compelled to neuter it but he liked it too! I’ll let you know when I find the Merlin.
are your signals crome or plastik?
G,day again ,regarding indicators !!! I finally had them replaced with chrome plastic ones that are off a Griso model done under warranty for the 3rd and last time as I wanted to have sorted out before warranty expired.
These are on rubber mounts with tinted lens that match my front tinted screen from a 750 breva.The Importers for Oz replaced them as were closer and when called at the dealers who sold me the bike had only one Motto guzzi on display
but lots of scooters and nasty korean cheap bikes called credit card bikes [cant remember brand] so guess they sell much more of them to the masses.
I had the latest ecu upgrade done but was advised was only for amber light issues which had not really bothered me as had discovered the cause,that was starting with bike in gear or with kill switch accidently activated and just needed to let ignition rest on off for at least 10secs and then would clear from memory
My only gripe with indicators was I had to purchase the 2 rear ones at discount of $50.00aus each but have 2 perfect old style ones just sitting in bags.
One hint is to leave original wires on bike intact and just remove off spayed terminals within light as I discovered after removing all rear lights apart that there was no connection to join into.It was a bit fiddly threading wires though stalk but keeps original intact and besides colour code was different.
There was a Bellagio on display and you guessed it ,It even had a cracked front indicator and it was new!
The Grisso styled ones are more oval shape but also match the mirrors.
I have lowered handle bars a bit which seems to help with more vision from mirrors.
Lastly I have fitted a genuine centre stand but found a bit difficult on the cement to lift up as slid along but easier on the grass but bike rests on the front wheel but better that way as the rear one takes more effort to remove and has to rest one at least one of them.
I have not ridden bike much lately as had recent surgery to my neck for benign tumour but in the clear but rode bike a fortnight ago and recent wound down side of neck became really badly infected so wondering whether dirty helmet strap caused this or my recent return to work with dirty collars so side of neck rather sore so just short half hour rides for me at the moment on quiet rds where I dont need to turn head constantly.
Should anyone want to check indicators out I have posted on Youtube linked to my other clip
Motoguzzi V7 classic with Staintunes.
This really is the only complaint on the V7c and lack of storage space under the seat[ can just fit my plastic rain trousers along with tool kit but how easy is it to remove the seat ]
I refitted my original pipes to remind me of what they sounded like but after one ride fitted my Staintunes and nothing sounds greater than 110 kph [70mph] the note that comes out through cuttings in the road.
See ya Ian
Hi Claudia
I got a white one as I was buying a used one to save cash, the black looks good too but more like a bonneville, I think the white stands out more, I parked it in a park with wall to wall black harleys and it just stood out in its pealescent white. My exhaust are wearing in now and sounding even better, its winter soon and I know I must stop riding soon because of the salt and ice damage but I dont want to Im having so much fun
I’m 5’3″ and after having the work done on my V7 seat that I described earlier here, riding is 99.999% sheer pleasure!, the other 0.001% is the riding time wasted standing around explaining and answering people’s questions about the bike.
Do yourself a favour, GET ONE!, you’ll be kicking yourself if you don’t.
Another satisfied V7 Classic owner. The bike is a gem! Spirited (at least enough for me), light and willing,with a beautiful voice. Like other respondents I’ve ridden bigger bikes in the past, but this is a beauty – more power is just not necessary. I found the standard seat uncomfortable, and my wife on the back was pleading for a morphine pump within a few kms!!! We had a new seat built on the original pan by Ken McDonald in Tauranga New Zealand (“Rider” seats). He matched the lines of the bike beautifully, we had the back embroidered in white with the Moto Guzzi word brand and falcon (so much classier than screen printing) and we completed a 6,000km month long trip immediately after without any discomfort. I also fitted the Guzzi V7 sport screen and it works a treat – takes all the pressure off. We ride it on long journeys and into and around the city – it meets all situations. And we live on a small country block with over 2km of rough gravel to get us in and out. The larger than modern wheels handle the rough with assurance.
Really enjoy reading your posts. I’ve had 22 bikes of different kinds including a W650, which the V7 reminds me of. Intrigued to read one person saying the V7 was so much better than the W. After an accident or two I decided to dial back to a Vespa 300S, which I enjoy but even with Leo Vince pipe and large windscreen it’s missing something. Have been wondering about the new Honda CBR250R with optional ABS. But I also know I really need a bike with endearing character to hold my attention. Rode the V7 last summer and really liked it. I tend to need or prefer a big windscreen for highway travel. This is the one thing holding me back from the V7 is how it would be on the highway, and whether a big screen (I’m 5’11”) would be available for the V7 that would look good.
Hi Blake. I’m 6′ and the Guzzi sports screen is all you need. Works a treat, and almost all of my riding is highway riding. The sports screen also looks good, which I’m not sure would be the case with a bigger blade.
Love your site! It helped make the easy decision of buying my V7 this week. Do you mind if I ask about where you purchased your luggage set and also if you are still happy with it? Thanks for any help.
Hepco Becker. They’re the only ones that I’ve found with the big bag setup (40L). Customer services are good. Get the black mounts instead of chrome. I’m on my second set and they were peeling in the box.
Thanks for the response. Did you buy directly from Hepco Becker? Dealer says the chrome frame is not an option for V7 Classic. Thanks for any help!
thanks Rodney for the reply. this is very helpful.
Danilo, Great blog! I have been looking for my first bike after the MSF course and considering a T100 bonnie and the V7C. Great info here. Are you familiar with the dealer in Downers Grove, IL? I stopped by today. Nice place but almost no accessories or gear. Is the place in woodstock well set up? otherwise I would need to look elsewhere for helmet, coat, boots.
also while im leaning towards the classic for overall riding comfort, would you think the V7 racer be a true valuable collectible in the future? the guy at the dealer in DG said only 30 bikes came into the US. thats crazy exclusive.
For Accessories, I’ve never seen a well-stocked Guzzi dealer; just not that much stuff out there. I would be shocked to see any V7 racers left for sale. Dealers had to order them ahead of time and they were built to order.
I recommend trying on both bikes “for size”, and seeing which one fits you best. You also might like to try the Aprilia Mana, it’s automatic transmission is extremely well-sorted and would make for a great city bike, and deals can probably be found on them. I wish Piaggio USA would get me one for a test, but they’ve been very tight with their machinery over the last 18 months. Even the motoring press seems to have to go all the way to the factory to get a ride on anything but the RSV bikes. Guzzis reviews are all coming from “European” editors only.
Pity. The market is picking up and I am worried that Guzzi is going to miss the boat, saving a dime to lose a dollar.
I would like to know how what the taller riders think of the V7. I am 6’2″ and worry that my knees are going to be stuck against the cylinders. I love the looks of this bike. I always like the old V7 too.
I have read in tests that the rear shockers are a bit hard and others say that they are too soft so how is thew score on that point?
I was thinking about the Bonneville too but it seems ( if it is true what I read on here) that the V7 is a lot more fun.
I would like to know how what the taller riders think of the V7. I am 6’2″ and worry that my knees are going to be stuck against the cylinders. I love the looks of this bike. I always like the old V7 too.
I have read in tests that the rear shockers are a bit hard and others say that they are too soft so how is thew score on that point?
I was thinking about the Bonneville too but it seems ( if it is true what I read on here) that the V7 is a lot more fun.
You have to ride both. I can’t say which is more fun anymore. I like my V7 very much indeed. I have a Parilla 250 that is my very favorite, but it is highly impractical for anything out of a city.
There’s a perfect fit for every seat. Triumph has great “ride days” where they bring every model to a dealership and let you ride a variety of bikes. If I were to eat up miles on the super-slab and then go around town, I might choose the Bonnie. If I’m going to do it a LOT, I might choose the Guzzi. You can put many, many miles on the Guzzi and expect to put more. The Bonnie is fine for infrequent long trips and city stuff as well.
If you’re going to put a ton of miles over interstates on a bike, neither would be my first choice. A big Guzzi like a Norge or California are just great bikes for this.
Now the choice isn’t getting any easier. The V7 Classic is going to be more powerfull in 2012. I prefer the looks of the 2008 model really. The plain white and spoked wheels. I suppose there is one advantage. The used V7 Classics will drop in value now.
True, but we’re talking about a 1-2K greater investment for something that you’ll be amortizing out for years — and you get a two year warranty to cover any gremlins.
I bought my V7 in october,After 38 years spent riding knuckles pans and
shovels along with old BSAs I decided to purchase a real motorcycle with
lights,brakes , horn, etc. that work. I love this thing. I bought it for its
light weight and great looks,plus MGs have always had a great reputation.
The only issue I have with it is,I took it to the dealer I bought it from
(Speeds Cycle,Elkridge MD) for a recall and service and they INSIST that
10 W 40 Oil is what to use. The owners manual definitly says use 10 W 60
Any comments , thoughts along these lines would be appreciated.
It should definitely be 10 60.
I visited this site before I went out and bought my V7 Classic. I had previously owned a 850T3 I bought second hand in 1978. I put over 300,000 kilometres on that before I took it off the road some years ago. I have a soft spot for Moto Guzzi’s and liked the retro styling of the V7 Special. My brief was a bike I could ride every day and tour on a few times a year. I bought my V7 in September 2011 and have just clocked up over 13000 kilometres and worn out my first back tire. My impressions so far!
The more I ride it the more I love it. It doesn’t have the stability that the longer wheelbase of the T3 had but its much more agile on suburban roads and car parks and still handles better than I can ride. I quickly realised I needed more protection than I used to and put the small perspex Guzzi fairing on, which did the trick, cutting down the wind fatigue on long trips and diverting most of the rain. I also opted for the Guzzi centre stand as I have only limited faith in side stands. Finally I opted for the Hepco and Becker luggage rack and Panniers: only the 30 Litre jobbies as I though the 40 litres would maybe look too big on such a small bike. This gives me the luggage space to carry all my wet weather gear, gear straps an plent of room for some grocery shopping to justify riddingit into town most days.
Its not perfect but it is fun and I have no intentions of replacing it any time soon. I notice the new model has a 22 litre tank as oposed to the 17 which would be nice and its a metal tank too. I read somewhere that someone swore the tank was only 15 litres not 17. Well I have put over 16 litres in with 330 kilometres on the clock so I think its 17.
So its stylish and pretty and fun and at 54 it suits me . Keep Riding
A great blog. Very useful to read what other owners think of their V7s. I’m a big Guzzi,fan having had two a Spada 3 and a T3 Cali. I’m now lookig for an alternative to my Suzuki dl650. A great bike which is underated, but there is always a but.
I have been comparing the Bonnie SE against the V7C, and after several test rides I have recently decided to buy the 2013 V7 Stone. In the many Guzzi-related blogs that I have read, a common sentiment seems to reoccur and it goes like this “MGs are great bikes which will run many years/miles relatively trouble free . . . once they have been properly ‘sorted-out’ by the dealer/owner in the beginning.”
My question is what sort of things need this “sorting out” process? Fussy little details (electronics), ordinary break-in tasks (re-tightening nuts/bolts), or bigger and more significant items (???) . . .
This is a great site, and thanks to anyone and everyone who can educate and reassure me. 🙂
I don’t own one, yet, but I’m considering it. Trouble is I have a trouble free V-Strom.
I’ve also owned a Spada 3 and a T3 California. Both bikes ran well with out much input from me.
As with all riders I think they like to tinker. I would say ride the bike for a while and then decide how you could make it more suitable for your needs. Don’t blow money needlessly. All bikes have flaws some or all can be lived with others take a different view.
Well I cant decide which Guzzi to buy the V7 or the Bellagio.I was initiated on guzzis in 1982 with the Monza then bought a mark 3 then a Cali.I sold them a bought a Dynaglide in 2007.It put the smile back on my face but I dont know what the fuss is all about.Im over the Harley and want to get back to Guzzis.Any suggestions.
Thanks Jim Sydney
I have ridden bikes for over 30 years, starting on small jappers then British bikes, long term on a shovelhead then 10 years on a speed triple. I wanted an air-cooled twin again and found the V7 special (got the black/orange combo). I’m 17 again and any excuse I’m out on it at all times of the night. Absolutely in love and it has half the horses of the speed triple which actually make it MORE fun – not less (and yes I did know how to enjoy the power of the triple including on the race track) as you can cruise along and enjoy the burble of the pipes (Lafranconis in my case). I junked the big bling mirrors, fitted a CRG folding bar-end mirror, fitted flat black bars, fork gaiters and a Dart flyscreen (UK) complete the look. Need to ditch the big indicators next. I cannot recommend this bike enough. It is almost perfect for riding in the real world and I rediscovered what biking was always about, fun and freedom.
Somebody from Western Australia indicated his review may be some time as it was winter there. Strange, I live in WA too (Fremantle) and do more KMs in winter than summer. Its a far better season as its about the same as an English summer, except warmer and less wet! The nights can be nippy but nothing a good jacket won’t sort and the summers are blow-torch hot so you either risk riding in a teeshirt (and it’s still too hot) or absolutely cook in leathers! Not what I call fun riding.
Can I ask what height you are? The changes you list on your Special are what I would contemplate if I buy one, but at 6’2″ I worry that I will look way too tall , and the flatter bars may not help. I’ve even wondered if raising the seat by an inch might be worthwhile. I prefer the V7 in style, look and engine configuration, but feel the thruxton might be a better size. I’ve checked out most dealerships in Melbourne but haven’t come to a conclusion yet, lol. Decisions decisions…
I’m 6’1″, 240lbs, 36in sleeve and 33in. inseam. Size 13 shoe… Bike fits me fine — my legs are a little on the short side for my frame — I fit the “Italian Build”. The flatter bars don’t really help that much, but they do put just a little more weight over the front and give a better “feel”.
I had my V7 racer for about a year and love it. I had a Ducati m900 for 19 years and also loved that bike but the Guzzi just ‘fits’ better and though it’s not as powerful, the power it has is very useable and I feel like I’m riding better and a bit harder than the Duke. I think the difference is on the V7 I’m using about 80% of its potential and on the Ducati it was probable about 40%.
There’s just more fun factor in pushing it and it is very well behaved over most surfaces.
A couple of things to look out for:
Make sure your clutch cable doesn’t get burnt where its routed next to the R.Hand cylinder.
My oil filler cap unscrewed while riding and sprayed the left side with oil. Ruined the rear brake pads, but no other damage. Make sure you tighten with pliers!
I think this bike will live with me for many years. Puts a smile on my dial every time I ride it.